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Kinfolk - interview with the founders

Defining a new generation of real estate agencies: Kinfolk lists Fantastic Frank with 40 entrepreneurs that move and inspire their respective industries. 

Kinfolk lists Fantastic Frank with 40 entrepreneurs that move and inspire their respective industries. Since the start 2010 Fantastic Frank has paved the way for a new generation of real estate agencies using the interior design side of property sales to improve their business.

Meet the international entrepreneurs who are making business personal. In The Kinfolk Entrepreneur, over 40 business owners invite Nathan Williams and the Kinfolk team into their workspaces to explore how the professional pursuit of meaning and passion can motivate both personal success and a balanced quality of life. Through expert advice and wise words from professionals in the worlds of publishing, architecture, fashion, design and beyond, The Kinfolk Entrepreneur examines how visionary ideas take root and ripen into careers, and offers tips and inspiration for the next generation of entrepreneurs.

  • Over 40 profiles, 368 pages and 200 photographs of inspiring offices, work and people.
  • Interviews with leaders in fashion, design, publishing, architecture, hospitality and beyond.
  • A global perspective on business, from Dubai to Copenhagen to Tokyo and more in-between.
  • A full chapter dedicated to in-depth advice, educational essays and expert ideas.


Fantastic Frank:

tomas backman sven wallen mattias kardell Kinfolk lists Fantastic Frank among 40 entrepreneurs inspiring their industry5
Kinfolk lists Fantastic Frank among 40 entrepreneurs inspiring their industry tomas backman sven wallen
Kinfolk lists Fantastic Frank mattias kardell sven wallen tomas backman entrepreneurs inspiring their industry4
Kinfolk lists Fantastic Frank among 40 entrepreneurs inspiring their industry tomas backman




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