Hier ist der ultimative Guide für den Kauf einer Immobilie in Palma de Mallorca - unabhängig davon, ob es sich um eine Wohnung, eine luxuriöse Villa oder ein Penthouse mit Aufdachterrasse handelt. Wir haben unsere Palma-Manager Ninos Younan und Kalle Wallroth - darum gebeten ihre besten Tipps und Tricks gepaart mit Fakten und Empfehlungen zu geben.


Der Kauf eines Eigenheims auf Mallorca muss nicht so kompliziert sein - solange Sie sich einiger wichtiger Dinge bewusst sind. Bereits nach einem ersten Treffen fühlen sich unseren Kunden bewusster, was für einen Kauf erforderlich ist. Wir sind den ganzen Weg bei unseren Kunden - von den ersten Besichtigungen bis hin zur Schlüsselübergabe Ihres neuen Traumhaus. Wir haben langjährige Erfahrung auf dem Immobilienmarkt und arbeiten mit Experten aus den Bereichen Finanzen, Recht, Architektur, Bau und Instandhaltung zusammen.

Wenn Sie jetzt schon Fragen haben, können Sie uns unter +34 871 027 049 oder erreichen.

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1. Auf Mallorca gibt es mehr Makler als Objekte zum Verkauf. Halten Sie sich an einen Makler, dem Sie vertrauen - dann erhalten Sie die beste Hilfe. Schauen Sie sich mehrere Immobilien an und seien Sie offen für Vorschläge des lokalen Maklers.

2. Kümmern Sie sich um Ihre Finanzierung, bevor Sie mit der Suche beginnen, damit Sie schnell zuschlagen können, wenn Sie die richtige Immobilie entdeckt haben.

3. Wenn es sich richtig anfühlt, zögern Sie nicht, denn solch eine Chance wird selten zurückkommen. Holen Sie sich auch Hilfe von einem Anwalt für eine juristische Absicherung.


Illegale Veränderungen
Illegale Erweiterungen und Umbauten von Häusern und Wohnungen können große Probleme verursachen. Die Geldstrafen für zukünftige Eigentümer können hoch sein und Teile des Grundstücks müssen möglicherweise abgerissen werden, bevor weitere Renovierungsarbeiten durchgeführt werden können. Ihr Makler wird Ihnen dabei helfen.

Falsche Informationen in der Anzeige
Es ist nicht immer sicher, dass die beworbenen Informationen der Realität entsprechen. Sehr häufig sind Unstimmigkeiten bzgl. Der Gesamtfläche und zum Beispiel ob die Terrasse mit einberechnet wurde oder nicht. Ein Auszug aus relevanten Aufzeichnungen ist ein Muss, um die Fakten zu kennen. Auch hier können Sie Ihren Makler um Rat fragen.

Eine Wohnsitzbescheinigung muss vorgelegt werden
Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Unterlagen auf dem Grundstück vorhanden sind. Beispiel: Ohne eine Wohnsitzbescheinigung (Cedula de Habitabilidad) können Sie beispielsweise Strom, Gas und Wasser nicht anschließen.

Nur weil der Nachbar eine Terrasse oder einen Pool gebaut hat, dürfen Sie dies möglicherweise nicht tun. Untersuchen Sie, was speziell für die Immobilie getan werden kann, an der Sie interessiert sind.

Keine Vereinbarung ohne Anwalt!
Unterzeichnen Sie keinen Vertrag und zahlen Sie keine Anzahlung ohne einen Anwalt. Das Risiko besteht darin, dass Sie in einen Deal abschliessen werden, den Sie später eventuell bereuen werden.

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Where on the island should I look?
Mallorca is a relatively small island but with a lot to offer and a fantastic variety between different areas and villages. Find your favourite area by travelling and discovering it. Everyone who works at Fantastic Frank Palma has lived here a long time and we are happy to share our hidden gems and favourites to guide you.

How do I best finance my purchase of a property in Mallorca?
We always recommend that you investigate the possibility of a loan in your home country, it is often the easiest and provides the best conditions. Then you are also ready to move quickly when your dream home shows up. Loans can also be taken at a Spanish bank, we can help you with bank contacts we cooperate with.


What is an option contract, and when is it done?
Once you find the right property, your broker will negotiate the best terms for the purchase. Thereafter, an option contract is signed and a down payment of about 10% is paid. Since the same property is often for sale by several brokers, the option contract serves to reserve the property and gives time for the legal and financial aspects that need to be done.

In addition to the price and what is included (eg. furniture), the contract regulates the entry date, which is usually 4-6 weeks away. Obviously, there is the possibility of not going ahead with the purchase and then the buyer loses his paid down payment and if the seller does the same, the down payment is paid back plus a penalty fee, which usually corresponds to the same amount as the down payment.

As a buyer, you usually hire a lawyer to help with the legal parts and also writes the option contract that both parties sign. For the signing of the option contract, nothing special needs to be prepared by the buyer, but before the completion date you need to have your NIE number, your financing and an account number in a Spanish bank in place.

Buyers responsibility to check (Caveat Emptor)
Properties in Spain are sold in existing condition and it is up to the buyer to ensure that there are no surprises after the entry. Among other things, the lawyer looks over the legal aspects, whether the property is mortgaged, what is registered in the property register and what the ownership conditions look like. When it comes to houses or larger properties, the buyer sometimes also takes the help of a technical architect to check the condition and if there are illegal extensions or alterations made.

How do I get a NIE number?
In order to own a home in Spain, you need a Spanish tax identification number, a so-called NIE number. Only then can you open a bank account and sign the purchase letter. You can apply for NIE number with the Spanish police or via the Spanish embassy in your home country. The application is usually made through the lawyer.

Do I really need a lawyer?
No, a lawyer is not a must, but every deal is unique and being able to lean on a good lawyer is an excellent assurance that the legal aspects are well taken care of. It is the buyer's lawyer who writes the options contract, handles the NIE application, the payment of the down payment, informs about taxes, ensures that all mandatory documents are in place, provides documentation to the bank for the payments, and accompanies to the notary and translates documents where needed.

Prior to the option contract, the lawyer requests extracts from the property register so that the reality can be compared with what is written in the register. Some discrepancy in square meters is common and if there are illegal extensions or alterations this is when it gets discovered. The lawyer also investigates whether the property is mortgaged and what ownership conditions apply. The lawyer also makes sure there are no open cases and reports that burden the property which you can risk taking over.

The lawyer is involved throughout the process and ensures that the purchase goes right and that the property becomes yours according to law. Ask us and we would be happy to recommend a good lawyer.

What happens on the completion date?
On the day of completion, the deal is settled with a Notary Public. The day before, an inspection of the property is done together with the seller to ensure that everything is in working order and left as previously agreed. At the notary, a purchase letter is signed, the remaining payment is done and the keys are handed over.

The notary registers the purchase in the property register and after about three months the buyers receive the legal deed where they are registered as the new owners of the property. Both buyers and sellers can be represented by someone who has a power of attorney.

Notary Publicus is an officially appointed lawyer who has the task of checking the identity of the parties, the debts of the home and that the payment to the seller is correct and made according to Spanish law. Notary Publicus also draws up the letter of purchase which is the basis for your application of the purchase deed. The notary never checks the condition of the home or any illegal alterations or extensions.


What taxes and fees should I count on the purchase?
Your lawyer can calculate the exact costs but allow about 10-13% of the purchase price for taxes and fees that apply.

VAT: For useed properties that are sold, ie not new production, the VAT is 8-10%. VAT is calculated incrementally, 8% up to € 400,000, 9% for values ​​between € 400,001 and € 600,000 and 10% for parts exceeding € 600,000. For newly built properties, the VAT is 10%. VAT on land, commercial properties and parking spaces in garages is up to 21%.

Notary fees: The notary charges both a fixed and a variable fee, based on the property's valuation. When the notary sends the purchase letter for registration to the local property register, a stamp tax is levied. Expect to pay about 1% of the price for notary costs and stamp duty to the property register.

Legal fees: Allocate about 1% of the purchase value for legal fees.

Wealth tax: In Mallorca the wealth tax ranges from 0.28% - 3.45% of the asset value. A €700,000 tax-free allowance applies for everyone, and Spanish residents get up to an extra €300,000 against their main home. For resident married couples who jointly own property, this could mean a total allowance of €2 million. We advise you to seek specialist advice on this matter.

What annual taxes and fees should I expect?
The property tax, IBI, varies between 0.4% and 1.1% depending on the area and is calculated on the appraisal value. For apartments it is common with an annual IBI of 200-300 euros and for houses 1000 euros and above.

The tax for waste disposal is about 200 euros per year, depending on the municipality.

Running costs to count with are electricity, gas, water, internet and community fees. We usually have information from the current owner on the costs for the particular property you are interested in. Expect about € 300-400 per month for an apartment for running costs.

Property owners in Spain must declare their holdings and for those who are not resident in Spain, a tax representative is required by law. We can recommend several tax representatives who can handle tax returns, payment of property taxes and assist in simpler legal and tax matters.

If you have any questions now you can contact us on +34 871 027 049 or look at what we currently have for sale in Mallorca.

This information should be seen as a guide, for legal matters we always recommend to get help from a lawyer.

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Kontaktieren sie uns

Wir vermarkten Immobilien auf ganz Mallorca, mit Fokus auf Palma und Umgebung. Unsere Objekte haben alle eine hohe Qualität - egal ob das charmante, renovierungsbedürftige Landhaus oder die bis ins kleinste Detail durchdachte Neubauwohnung in Portixol.

Wir agieren auch als Käufermakler, wo wir ausgehend von einer nahen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunden ein exaktes Kaufprofil erstellen und daraufhin passende Objekte von der ganzen Insel präsentieren können.

Unser Team besteht aus erfahrenen Immobilienmaklern, Interior-Stylisten und Fotografen.

Besuchen Sie unser Büro in der Calle de Berenguer de San Juan 3 in Palma.

Für weitere Informationen erreichen Sie uns unter +34 871 027 049, +34 655 69 96 57 oder

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